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State Street Master Plan Events
Upcoming Events
26 - 27
Highlighted Past Events
At this meeting, City Staff provided an update on the Create State Master Plan vision and requested direction on the recommended Grand Paseo design framework. A majority of Council indicated support for a flat and flexible design through the Grand Paseo (500-1200 blocks of State Street) that would include pedestrians, bicyclists, and shuttles/transit but exclude private vehicles. Staff also presented the Short-Term Action Plan for the State Street Master Plan project area. There was also broad support for the Short-Term Action Plan, however Section 2A, which identified opening blocks to vehicle traffic above Carrillo Street, did not gain majority support of the Council. In addition to the list of actions presented by staff, Council also requested that smaller scale parades, like Solstice, the 4th of July, and Holiday parades, have the opportunity to resume on State Street in 2025.
- Agenda
- Council Agenda Report
- Public Comment
- Staff Presentation
- Video
The State Street Advisory Committee (SSAC) reconvened its June 26 SSAC meeting to discuss the State Street Master Plan. The SSAC provided feedback on the Urban Design Framework and related mobility concepts and alternatives through straw polling.
- Agenda
- Staff Presentation
- Public Comment
- Video
The State Street Advisory Committee (SSAC) received a presentation on the State Street Master Plan Urban Design Framework from staff and volunteer designers. The Committee broke into small groups for discussion and analysis of the presented planning concepts and alternatives and reported out to the entire SSAC on the preferred concept and alternatives.
- Agenda
- Staff Report
- Staff Presentation
- Public Comment
- Video
At this meeting, City Staff provided an update on the Create State Master Plan process, which included review of the Plan's topic areas, timeline, guiding principles, and districts. Staff also discussed the State Street Advisory Committee small working group sessions that were held to review initial draft strategies for economic vitality, housing, placemaking, and mobility. A volunteer architect group presented developing graphics for the Create State Master Plan, which included preliminary in-progress draft sketches and paseo block studies.
At this meeting, the City and the MIG consulting team led a discussion with the State Street Advisory Committee on the transportation network and mobility components for the State Street Master Plan. MIG and City staff presented recommended mobility designs within the 20-24 ft. emergency access right-of-way space along State Street and how these mobility options supported the visions and placemaking elements for each district.
At this meeting, City staff presented the State Street transportation history and key transportation considerations for the long-term design.
At this meeting, MIG, Inc., and City staff presented an overall vision and concept for the State Street Promenade that was based on key themes heard during the community engagement process and prior SSAC meetings. This included defining three districts with unique identities and potential design elements that support the overall vision for the Promenade. The SSAC reviewed these elements and provided feedback.
At this meeting, the City and the MIG consulting team led a discussion with the State Street Advisory Committee on potential long-term design concepts for State Street. The feedback received during this meeting will be used to refine the designs that will be re-released to the public in late Summer 2023.
At this meeting, the City and the MIG consulting team led a discussion with the State Street Advisory Committee on economic trends, great public spaces, programming, and the outcomes of public investment. The State Street Advisory Committee discussed State Street’s history, the proposed Community Benefit Improvement District, and opportunities for the next phase of State Street’s future.
In collaboration with Friends of State Street, the City held an information session for Move SB and the bicycle community on the State Street Master Plan process and discussed how people currently travel around downtown, how the future design could accommodate different travel modes, how to encourage users to stop and enjoy the downtown area, what types of public amenities should be included in the long-term design, and what they hoped to see accomplished in the Master Plan process.
In collaboration with Friends of State Street, the City held an information session for the nonprofit community on the State Street Master Plan process and discussed how non-profit organizations could be involved in shaping downtown, how events could occur, how public space could complement their organization, and what they hoped to see accomplished in the Master Plan process.
In collaboration with Friends of State Street, the City held an information session for the Performing and Experiential Art community on the State Street Master Plan process and discussed what types of public art could complement the building spaces along State Street and in the project area, what types of art programs/activities could be successful downtown, and what they hoped to see accomplished in the Master Plan process.
In collaboration with Friends of State Street, the City held an information session for the Santa Barbara Association of Realtors on the State Street Master Plan process and discussed what design elements could help attract new tenants and help existing property and business owners, what types of public amenities could complement the building spaces along State Street and in the project area, how local government can help improve the commercial vacancy rate downtown, and what they hoped to see accomplished in the Master Plan process.
In collaboration with Friends of State Street, the City held an information session for downtown business owners on the State Street Master Plan process and discussed the design elements that could help their business, what business owners hoped to see outside their front doors and in the broader downtown area, and what they hoped to see accomplished in the Master Plan process.
At this meeting, the City and the MIG consulting team led a discussion with the State Street Advisory Committee (SSAC) on learnings from the existing conditions analysis and community engagement efforts, provided design examples, and the SSAC developed evaluation criteria that future conceptual designs will be compared against. The SSAC also broke out into two groups and discussed the development of the Urban Design Framework options and key questions for future design concepts.
At this special meeting, the Access Advisory Committee received a presentation on the State Street Master Plan and discussed the past, present, and future condition of State Street.
At this hearing, the City and the MIG consulting team provided an update on the State Street “Create State” Master Plan. Major work efforts over the last six months included analyzing existing economic, transportation, utility, and land use conditions downtown; confirming the community’s vision for the project area; developing a project website that more than 5,200 people have visited; releasing a community survey that over 4,000 people have taken; and engaging more than 1,500 people during in-person community outreach events in the project area and throughout Santa Barbara.
At this special joint meeting, the Downtown Parking Committee and Transportation & Circulation Committee received a presentation on the State Street Master Plan and discussed the past, present, and future condition of State Street.
At this meeting, the City and the MIG consulting team led a discussion with the State Street Advisory Committee (SSAC) on emerging community feedback based on preliminary survey results and outreach efforts in November and December 2022 for the State Street Master Plan. MIG, Inc. also presented new economic, mobility, urban design, and infrastructure existing conditions analysis since the October 27, 2022, SSAC meeting. The SSAC reported what they heard from community members during the November and December public outreach opportunities and participated in an exercise similar to the community design workshop exercises. The committee also received a report from staff on a proposed revised SSAC meeting schedule for 2023 and recommended that the Committee adopt the new meeting schedule.
The Create State team had a tabling event during lunch at Santa Barbara Junior High School for students to share ideas for what they hope to see downtown, get project information, and take the survey. The team engaged with approximately 50 students and teachers.
Over the course of two days, ~300 people participated in 3-hour workshop activities and the open house that was held at 821 State Street. The workshops started with a brief presentation of the existing conditions and emerging trends from the community survey. Attendees were then grouped into teams to design how they thought the transportation network should operate throughout the entire project area, what character areas should be defined, and which specific activities and transportation elements should be included in a two-block section of State Street. A representative from each group presented the group’s ideas to the larger audience at the end. All materials were provided in English and Spanish, and translators were available during the events. Free childcare was provided on site and, through a partnership with the Arts Fund, an art show focused on creativity and innovation was held during the event. The Library also held a tie dye event in front of the space on Friday evening, an art projection was done on the exterior of the building Friday night, and the State Street ballet performed at the end of the workshop on Saturday.
The Create State team had posters in Spanish in front of the school for families and caretakers to interact with as they picked children up from school. The posters asked what types of activities and transportation options people would like to see on State Street in the future. The team engaged with about 50 people primarily in Spanish.
The Create State team partnered with the Library to test how the 700 block of State Street could be activated with the Library on the Go van and community games. The Create State team promoted the survey and had posters that asked what types of activities and transportation options people would like to see on State Street in the future.
At this visioning workshop held at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, ~50 participants engaged in poster exercises, answered survey questions, shared what they hope to see downtown, and staff was available to answer questions in Spanish.
Over the course of the two days, ~500 people attended the Create State open house held at 1230A State street, shared their current experiences downtown, and identified elements that the community would like to see integrated into the long-term State Street design. Participants took the survey and engaged in poster exercises. All materials were provided in English and Spanish, and translators were available during the events. The project team also canvassed in and around State Street and encouraged members of the community to engage in the process and take the survey.
The Create State team tabled at the Downtown Santa Barbara Harvest Block Party to gather input on what types of activities and transportation options people would like to see on State Street in the future.
At this meeting, the City and the MIG consulting team led a discussion with the State Street Advisory Committee on initial stakeholder feedback received and presented an emerging analysis of the economic, mobility, urban design, and infrastructure existing conditions in the project area. The committee provided overall feedback on stakeholder engagement and the emerging existing conditions analysis. The committee also received a report from City staff on a proposed revised meeting schedule for 2022 – 2023 and adopted the new meeting schedule. Staff also discussed opportunities for public engagement in November and December 2022.
At this special meeting, the Historic Landmarks Commission and Planning Commission received a presentation on the State Street Master Plan and discussed the past, present, and future condition of State Street.
At this meeting, the City's consulting firm (MIG, Inc) led a discussion with the State Street Advisory Committee to get feedback on the State Street Master Plan project vision and goals, project process, community engagement plan, overall project schedule, and responsibilities of the State Street Advisory Committee, MIG, City staff, and the community.
At this hearing, City Council received an update on the work of the State Street Advisory Committee and the State Street Master Plan consultant selection process; and awarded a contract to MIG, Inc. for consulting services that include a community engagement plan; technical studies on transportation, stormwater management, and utilities; an urban design framework; and an implementation plan with cost estimates, phasing, ongoing maintenance, and operations.