Upcoming State Street Advisory Committee Meeting – February 16
On Thursday, February 16, 2023, the City and the MIG consulting team will lead a discussion with the State Street Advisory Committee (SSAC) on learnings from the existing conditions analysis and community engagement efforts, provide design examples, and the SSAC will develop evaluation criteria that future conceptual designs can be compared against. The SSAC will also discuss the development of the Urban Design Framework options and key questions for future design concepts.
State Street Advisory Committee
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Meeting starts at 3:00 p.m.
John G. Britton Auditorium
Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (MTD) Administrative Office
550 Olive Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
The agenda is available at https://SantaBarbaraCA.gov/SSAC. Public comment may be given in person at the meeting or remotely via Zoom. Members of the public who wish to give public comment remotely may do so by completing the Zoom registration link on the agenda. Written comments should be addressed to the State Street Advisory Committee via email to SSACSecretary@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.